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Manuscript Preparation/Submission

Archive des Sciences encourages the submission of both substantial full-length bodies of work and shorter manuscripts that report novel findings. There are no specific length restrictions for the overall manuscript or individual sections; however, we urge the authors to present and discuss their findings in a concise and accessible manner.

All submissions must be made via online submission system Open Journal System. Authors can also submit their manuscripts as an email attachment at  In case of technical difficulties, please contact the Managing Editor of this journal at



We accept text files for manuscript submissions in the following formats: .doc, .rtf. Authors can submit text, tables, and figures either as separate files or as a composite file. For initial submissions, we recommend uploading the entire manuscript, including tables and figures, as a single PDF file. Please refer to the “Instruction for Authors” section for comprehensive details.


By submitting a manuscript, authors affirm that the work is original, not copyrighted, published elsewhere, or under consideration for publication elsewhere, except in abstract form. The corresponding author must ensure that all authors approve the manuscript before submission.

Authors must articulate and confirm safeguards adhering to ethical standards relevant to their research. Refer to our Editorial Policy for specific details.

Authors are responsible for identifying and disclosing financial or other conflicts of interest that may bias their work. If there is no specified acknowledgment, it is assumed that no conflict of interest exists.

Authors retain copyright, governed by the Creative-Commons Attribution Only license (CC-BY), compliant with Plan-S. Upon signing the License To Publish, the corresponding author grants the journal the license to use the article. A scanned copy of the license should be promptly sent to the journal.

Authorship should be limited to those significantly contributing to the study. All such contributors should be listed as co-authors. Others involved in specific aspects of the research project can be acknowledged. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring the inclusion of appropriate co-authors and their approval of the final manuscript.

Research articles undergo a single-blind peer-review process, with at least two referees evaluating each paper. The editorial team may decline manuscripts that lack sufficient novelty or significance. The Editor-in-Chief or Managing Editor makes the final decision on acceptance.

Archive des Sciences publishes only original manuscripts. Multiple submissions, redundant publications, or repackaging of data previously published by the same authors are not accepted. Any detected misconduct is handled in accordance with COPE’s Core Practices.

Please familiarize yourself with these guidelines for a successful submission to Archive des Sciences.