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Publication Ethics

Archives des Sciences is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics and academic integrity. As a multidisciplinary open access journal, we uphold the principles of transparency, fairness, and responsible publishing. Archives des Sciences follows the

Policy Statement on Ethical Guidelines, American Mathematical Society

Best Current Practices, Journals of International Mathematical Union

Code of Practice, European Mathematical Society (EMS) Ethics Committee

EMS Ethics Committee Comments on the EMS Code of Practice

COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)’s Guidelines

The authors, editors and reviewers of Archives des Sciences are expected to follow the best-practice guidelines on ethical behavior contained in the above-mentioned documents. Below are some key points:

1. Author Responsibilities

1.1 Originality and Plagiarism

Authors must guarantee that their submitted work is original and free from plagiarism. In cases where authors have used the work and/or words of others, proper citation and attribution are required. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated.

1.2 Authorship

Authors should ensure that all individuals who have made significant contributions to the research are listed as co-authors. Contributions may include conception and design of the study, data collection, analysis and interpretation, drafting or revising the article, and final approval of the version to be published. All co-authors should review and approve the manuscript.

1.3 Data Access and Retention

Authors are encouraged to retain data and research materials for a reasonable period after publication to allow for inquiries and reproducibility. Access to data may be requested by editors and reviewers.

1.4 Multiple, Duplicate, or Concurrent Submissions

Authors should not submit manuscripts that contain the same research to more than one journal simultaneously. Submitting the same work to multiple journals is considered unethical.

1.5 Acknowledgment of Sources

Authors must provide proper acknowledgment of the work of others. If the work of others has been used, it should be cited appropriately. Citation guidelines can be found within the manuscript submission guidelines.

2. Editor Responsibilities

2.1 Review Process

Editors are responsible for ensuring that the peer review process is fair and unbiased. Manuscripts should be evaluated based on the quality of research and adherence to ethical guidelines, rather than the author’s identity, affiliation, or other characteristics.

2.2 Confidentiality

Editors must treat all submitted manuscripts as confidential documents. The contents of submitted papers should not be disclosed to anyone other than authors, reviewers, potential reviewers, and members of the editorial team.

2.3 Publication Decisions

Editors have the responsibility to make fair, transparent, and unbiased publication decisions. Decisions should be based on the importance of the work, its quality, and its potential impact, regardless of any commercial interests.

3. Reviewer Responsibilities

3.1 Objectivity

Reviewers should conduct the review process objectively and professionally. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Reviewers should express their views clearly and with supporting arguments.

3.2 Confidentiality

Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the review process. If reviewers suspect that there is a conflict of interest or are unable to provide an unbiased review, they should promptly inform the editor.

3.3 Timeliness

Reviewers are expected to complete the review process within the stipulated timeframe. If additional time is required, reviewers should inform the editor promptly.

3.4 Ethical Concerns

Reviewers should alert the editor to any concerns about ethical issues, such as data fabrication or falsification, plagiarism, or any violations of ethical guidelines, that may arise during the review process.

4. Ethical Oversight

The Archives des Sciences Editorial Board oversees the publication ethics and ensures that ethical guidelines are adhered to. Allegations of ethical misconduct will be investigated and resolved in accordance with best practices.

5. Corrections and Retractions

If errors or ethical issues are discovered after publication, Archives des Sciences is committed to correcting or retracting articles as necessary. Corrections are made with transparency, while retractions are reserved for cases of serious ethical breaches or uncorrectable errors.

6. Contact Us

For questions, concerns, or additional information regarding our publication ethics, please contact us at:

7. Changes to the Policy

Archives des Sciences may update this Publication Ethics policy periodically to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. When we do, we will revise the “Effective Date” at the beginning of the policy. Please review this policy regularly to stay informed about our publication ethics practices.