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Prospects of Justice for Crimes Against Human Peace and Security

Nataliya Shelever, Dmytro Tychyna, Sergii Galagan, Olena Cherniavska, Bohdan Bystrytskyi


The scientific article is devoted to the determination of the perspective of justice for crimes against the peace and security of mankind. It is emphasized that the international normative and legal regulation of crimes against the world and the security of humanity is characterized by the advantage of the position of political prohibition, which increases the possibility of an objective criminal-legal assessment of the specified socially dangerous acts at the national level, which has declarative elements and requires the development of effective methods, methods. and means aimed at countering and preventing crimes of this type. Arguments are presented regarding the improvement of the methods of combating and preventing the investigated type of crime, which should be systematic and methodical, implemented in such areas as the improvement of the legal foundations and methods of combating crimes against the peace and security of mankind, taking into account the leading international norms and principles in this area, the organization of systematic, large-scale, effective international cooperation in documenting and investigating the specified socially dangerous acts. It was concluded that considering the placement of the International Criminal Court as an international mechanism for the implementation of justice for violations of international law, the ratification of the Rome Statute is a priority task for many European countries, which legalizes the possibility of appealing to some international judicial bodies.

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. Prospects of Justice for Crimes Against Human Peace and Security. Archives Des Sciences, In Press: . DOI: .