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Evaluation Of The Cooperations Of Human Resources In The Fight Against Drug Abuse In Secondary Education Schools According To Stakeholders’ Opinions

Zehra Altinay1, Betul Yikici2, Gokmen Dagli3
1Societal Research and Development Center, Faculty of Education, Near East University, Northern part of Cyprus Mersin 10 Türkiye.
2University of Kyrenia Nicosia, Northern part of Cyprus Mersin 10 Türkiye.
3Societal Research and Development Center, Faculty of Education, University of Kyrenia, Nicosia, Northern part of Cyprus Mersin 10 Türkiye.


The aim of this study is to evaluate the cooperation of human resources in different units in the fight against substance use in secondary schools, according to the opinions of our country’s different human resources, namely the narcotics director and staff of the General Directorate of Police, psychiatrists, guidance and counseling teachers, university faculty members, and individuals who use substances. In order to achieve this aim, the questions of the research are, according to the opinions of the stakeholders, how the Ministry of National Education thinks about increasing training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education, and how teachers affiliated with the Ministry of National Education should focus on in-service training on substance use. Questions were asked to the participants on topics such as what their thoughts are, what their thoughts are about giving courses on substance addiction in a certain systematic way in teacher training programs of universities, what their thoughts are about the participation and employment of people who use substances in social life. Qualitative research methods were used in the study. Snowball sampling method, one of the purposeful sampling methods, was used for the study group of the research. In this context, data was collected by interviewing a total of 50 participants, including the Narcotics Director of the General Directorate of Police and his staff, psychiatrists, guidance and counseling teachers, university lecturers, and individuals who use substances. In the formation of research questions, a pilot application was carried out and the research questions were given their final form. Miles and Huberman’s [1] formula was used for the validity and reliability of the research. After the data was collected, codes and themes were created by content analysis of the research data. According to the opinions of the stakeholders in the study, the Ministry of National Education should establish appropriate committees for course curricula in order to increase training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education, and the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to update the curriculum and course contents. It is of great importance to establish a joint coordination board with the Ministry of National Education, in-service training on substance use should be planned for teachers of the Ministry of National Education, and it is necessary to establish committees on substance use in schools. It was concluded that support should be increased.

1. Introduction

rugs whose use, possession and sale are prohibited by law are also defined as narcotic and psychotropic substances in the literature. The word drug comes from the Greek word “narke” meaning sleep and is translated into English as “narcotic”; It refers to addictive substances that have numbing properties, make one numb, incapacitate, cause physical and psychological dependence, cause personal, social, economic and social collapse [1]. Drugs include narcotic and psychotropic substances that, when taken in certain doses, have a negative effect on the person’s nervous system, cause deterioration of physical and psychological balance, cause individual, social, economic and social problems by creating habit and addiction, and whose sale is prohibited by law. In the literature, substance use is generally preferred over drug use [2].

Drug addiction is a substance use disorder that occurs in the form of deterioration in the individual, social and professional life of a person who shows physiological and psychological dependence on the drug used. Addiction is the use of substances that negatively affect one or more functions of the body, and the inability to stop using these substances even though there is harm due to this [3]. The most prominent diagnostic criteria of addiction in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Diseases are “substance use”. Often taking higher amounts of the substance than intended, the emergence of mental and physical withdrawal syndromes when it is stopped or reduced, long periods of time being allocated to obtain the substance, reducing the time spent on social, work and personal activities due to drug addiction or completely withdrawing from activities, psychological and It is expressed as “continuing drug use despite the emergence or increase of physical problems” [4].

Society’s isolation of people and the anxiety people feel in the face of lack of love push them to use drugs and think that they can only cope with life this way [5]. They go through very different psychological and physical changes, and when they cannot access the substance, they experience withdrawal syndrome. Substance use paves the way for many diseases. Most of these diseases become chronic, and even if individuals want to, it becomes very difficult to return [6]. It is to be expected that a person whose friends use drugs will use substances. Substance use is more common in individuals who have a high sense of belonging and commitment and orientation to the group of friends. It is known that especially during adolescence, the circle of friends and peers plays an active role in starting to use substances [7].

Beliefs, values, attitudes and practices are important elements in family life [8]. In order to be protected from the harms of virtual platforms, which also pose a danger in the context of drugs, children and young people must definitely spend this period under family supervision. Using effective communication methods within the family is very important for the healthy development of the child. Because when children and young people find family interaction healthy and appropriate, they feel safe and give the necessary importance to family communication [9].

The most important similarities of institutions are that they consist of groups of people with different personalities and abilities. The management and guidance of these individuals within the organization is the subject of human resources management [10]. The use of the concept of human resources is becoming increasingly widespread as an indicator of the importance given to this concept. As a result, we can say that it will focus on the human dimension. Unlike the management approach known as the “Human relations approach” in the past, such an orientation has the characteristics of an approach that accepts that managers should manage together with the people in the organization, and even that each person in the organization should manage themselves, beyond carrying out management activities by taking into account the people in the organization [11]. This understanding, which is accepted as an expression of the importance given to people, is expressed as “Human Service Integration” at the country or organizational level, without distinction between public and private [11]. In order to achieve organizational goals, The unit responsible for organizing and carrying out activities that will mobilize the human resources in the enterprise in the most effective and efficient way is human resources management [11]. In terms of enterprises, the provision of qualified human resources, their employment in suitable jobs in the enterprise and ensuring their functional commitment to the enterprise. requires a well-organized human resources management. The importance of human resources management regulations stems from the need for employees who can create value and contribute to businesses [12].

Human Resources Management is the sum of the activities carried out to find qualified personnel for an organization and keep them in the organization (Bayraktaroğlu, 2002). Human Resources Management has emerged with many factors such as increasing competitive conditions and technological developments changing business structures and environments, changing the nature of the business in society, globalization, transformations in economic structures and differentiation of employees’ expectations, and represents the comprehensive approach of businesses towards human resources [13]. Human Resources Management is a discipline that includes policy making, planning, organizing, directing and monitoring activities regarding the determination of the necessary human resources and employment development in order to provide competitive advantages in the organization and to carry out business effectively and efficiently [14].

Human Resources Management helps people achieve their individual goals. The important point is to bring together the goals of the organization and the individual goals. In order to achieve this, an environment must be created that will enable employees to achieve their goals within the organization [15]. To give the basic objectives of human resources management in more detail [16]. Achieving organizational objectives through human resources and ensuring that human resources devote themselves more to contributing to these objectives, • ensuring that human resources are used in the most efficient way in line with the objectives, • ensuring that all employees reach the optimal performance level and utilizing their full potential, ensuring that human resources It can be said as increasing the performance of themselves and the organization by increasing their qualifications, ensuring the development of employees and meeting their career expectations, integrating human resources policies and business plans, and reinforcing or reshaping an appropriate culture.

  1. The aim of this study is to evaluate the cooperation of human resources in different units in the fight against substance use in secondary schools, according to the opinions of our country’s different human resources, namely the narcotics director and staff of the General Directorate of Police, psychiatrists, guidance and counseling teachers, university faculty members, and individuals who use substances. In order to achieve this aim, the questions of the research presented below and the opinions of the participants were determined. In this context, the questions of the research are;

  2. According to the opinions of the stakeholders, what are the thoughts of the Ministry of National Education on increasing training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education?

  3. According to the opinions of the stakeholders, what are the opinions of teachers affiliated with the Ministry of National Education regarding the emphasis on in-service training on substance use?

  4. According to the opinions of the stakeholders, what are the thoughts about giving substance addiction courses in a certain systematic way in teacher training programs of universities?

According to the opinions of the stakeholders, what are the opinions regarding the participation in social life and employment of people who use substances?

2. Method

A. Model of the Research

Qualitative research methods were also used in the study. “Qualitative research can be defined as research in which qualitative data collection methods such as observation, interview and document analysis are used and a qualitative process is followed to reveal perceptions and events in a realistic and holistic way in the natural environment.” [17]. According to [18]; “The main feature of qualitative research is to reveal the perspectives and meanings of the research participants and to see the world through the eyes of the research participants.”

B. Data Collection Tool

In the study, analyzes were made with a semi-structured interview form as a qualitative data collection tool, and research questions were asked by preparing semi-structured interview questions. In the qualitative research approach, in-depth interview (face-to-face interview), direct observation and document analysis techniques are generally used to collect data [19]. The data of this research was obtained through the “face-to-face interview technique”, which cannot be directly observed with other data collection tools, provides an in-depth understanding of the participants’ perspectives on the subject and is frequently preferred in the qualitative research approach. In the face-to-face interview technique, many dimensions such as the reasons, emotions, thoughts and beliefs that form the basis of the participants’ answers are revealed [19]. The semi-structured interview form created within the scope of this study includes four open-ended semi-structured interview questions. In the last part of the research, the interviews were recorded with a voice recorder on a voluntary basis in order not to lose any data during the interviews.

In order to ensure the internal validity of the interview form, it was submitted to the review of faculty members from Near East University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences in order to obtain expert opinion. In line with these opinions, the form was rearranged. After this, a pilot interview was conducted by selecting a study group equivalent to the study group. Thus, it was determined whether the questions were clear and understandable and whether the answers given reflected the answers to the questions asked. Later, in the process of preparing re-interview questions, expert opinions, education management experts and Turkish language linguists were consulted for software rules, and help was received by examining the transcripts to check whether the questions asked were clear and understandable, whether they covered the subject under discussion, and the possibility of providing the necessary information. . Since it was concluded that the interview questions would provide the desired data, the data collection process began. In this research, content analysis was used to analyze and interpret the qualitative data obtained from the participants.

C. Working Group

This study was conducted in January 2024 with 50 participants, including the Narcotics Director and staff of the General Directorate of Police, psychiatrists, guidance and counseling teachers, university faculty members, and individuals who use substances. Participants in the study were selected according to the purposeful random sampling method.

Purposeful random sampling is the purposeful classification of systematically and randomly selected case samples in line with the purpose of the research [20]. The qualitative working group of the research was formed in January 2024 with a total of 50 participants, including the Narcotics Director of the General Directorate of Police and his staff, psychiatrists, guidance and counseling teachers, university faculty members, and individuals who use substances. While creating the study group, the managers participating in the research were selected according to the purposeful random sampling method.

D. Collection of Data

During the collection of qualitative data in the study, 50 participants were interviewed. Participants were informed in advance about the purpose of the study and that the interview method would be used as the data collection method. A “Google Meeting” was organized to explain the subject and purpose of the meeting to the participants. Appointments were made in advance during preliminary meetings with participants via Google Meeting. An attempt was made to increase the participants’ confidence in the research by giving detailed information to the participants that the data to be obtained would be stored, their names would not be disclosed and all confidentiality and ethical rules would be adhered to. The data of the study started to be collected in January 2024 with the participants who participated in the study voluntarily.

E. Analysis of Data

For the analysis of qualitative data, interviews were conducted with the participants using an interview form, which is a data collection tool. According to the opinions of the interviewed participants, the answers given to each question were categorized one by one and placed in tables. After this initial categorization, the data were re-examined by the researcher and basic themes and categories were created. These determined themes and categories were reviewed by taking the relevant literature into consideration, and categories showing similar patterns were combined, while those showing differences were grouped under separate categories and coded. Whichever manager responded is written in numbers next to these categories. In the stated section, sentences extracted from the categories are written as examples. Individual interviews were conducted by visiting schools and at times when administrators were available. Interviews with managers were held in an environment where one-on-one conversations could be held. The data obtained from the answers to the research interview questions were analyzed by content analysis. In content analysis, data is analyzed in four stages [17].

Coding of Data: In this first stage of the content analysis, after the interviews were transcribed by assigning a number to each participant, the data obtained from the participants were examined within the framework of the research, divided into meaningful sections, and the conceptual meaning they expressed was named and coded. The code list, which was previously prepared based on the conceptual framework of the research and the interview questions, was given its final form after examining all the data. This code list served as a key list in organizing the data. Data outside the research questions were excluded from coding. Then, the coding keys and interview transcripts were read separately by the researchers, and the issues of “consensus” and “disagreement” were discussed and necessary arrangements were made. For the reliability calculation of the study, the average reliability formula suggested by Miles and Huberman [21] was used and was calculated as 92%. Reliability calculations above 70% are considered reliable for the research [21]. The result obtained here was considered reliable for the research. The codes that were compatible with the coding made by the researchers were used as the basis for reaching the themes.

Finding Themes: At this stage, the codes determined during the coding of the data were each accepted as separate categories and evaluated as separate themes.

Organizing and Defining the Data According to Codes and Themes: At this stage, the opinions of the participants are explained in a language that the reader can understand and the opinions are presented to the reader first-hand. In order to determine which participant the interview notes belong to, footnotes were used and the interview notes were given in quotation marks.

Interpretation of Findings: The interpretation of the findings, which were described and presented in detail, by the researcher and the explanation of some results were made in this last stage.

3. Findings and Interpretations

The findings of the research were analyzed to answer each research question, and the results of this analysis are given below, respectively.

Dimension I: According to the opinions of stakeholders, findings regarding the Ministry of National Education’s decision to increase training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education.

The first dimension of the research was created within the scope of revealing the views of the Ministry of National Education on increasing training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education, according to the opinions of the stakeholders. In this context, 50 participants were asked for their opinions. The answers given to these questions were coded and themes were extracted, and the distributions of these themes are given in Table 1.

Table 1: According to the opinions of stakeholders, findings regarding the Ministry of National Education’s inclusion of training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education
Category Themes Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
According to
opinions, the
Ministry of National
Education should
increase training on
substance use
prevention into the
curriculum starting
from pre-school
Establishing appropriate committees for course curricula
in order to increase training on substance use prevention in
the curricula of the Ministry of National Education,
starting from pre-school education.
36 % 72
Establishing a joint committee to cooperate with the
Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the
Ministry of Education
33 % 66
Establishing appropriate committees for course curricula
and updating the contents of relevant subject area
textbooks in order to increase training on the prevention of
substance use in the curriculum programs of the Ministry
of National Education starting from pre-school education.
39 % 78
Establishing a joint coordination board with the Ministry
of National Education, the Ministry of Health and the
Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to update the
curriculum and course contents.
40 % 80

According to the opinions of the stakeholders, some of the participants’ opinions regarding the Ministry of National Education’s views on increasing training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education are as follows;

K (42) “In my opinion, I think that the Ministry of National Education should definitely establish appropriate committees for course curriculum in order to increase training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education.”

K (33) “I think it is essential to establish a joint coordination board with the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to update the curriculum and course contents.”

According to the opinions of the stakeholders, the Ministry of National Education has included the course curriculum in order to increase the training on the prevention of substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education. According to the participants’ opinions, it can be said that appropriate committees should be established for the programs. In addition, it is understood from the participants’ opinions that a joint committee should be established in order for the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Education to cooperate. According to the opinions of the participants, it can be said that the Ministry of National Education should establish appropriate committees for the course curriculum and update the contents of the relevant subject area textbooks in order to increase the training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education. In addition, it is understood that it is of great importance to establish a joint coordination board with the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to update the curriculum and course contents.

Dimension II: According to the opinions of stakeholders, findings regarding the emphasis on in-service training on substance use for teachers affiliated with the Ministry of National Education.

The second dimension of the research was created within the scope of revealing the opinions of the teachers affiliated with the Ministry of National Education regarding the emphasis on in-service training on substance use, according to the opinions of the stakeholders. The answers given to these questions were coded and themes were extracted, and the distributions of these themes are given in Table 2.

Table 2: Findings regarding the emphasis on in-service training on substance use for teachers affiliated with the Ministry of National Education, according to the opinions of stakeholders
Category Themes Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
According to
opinions, focusing
on in-service
training on substance
use for teachers
affiliated with the
Ministry of National
Planning in-service training on substance use for Ministry
of Education teachers
44 % 88
Establishing committees on substance use in schools 40 % 80
Periodically inspecting schools in cooperation with the
Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health
54 % 76
Developing cooperation with municipalities within the
scope of planning in-service training on substance use for
Ministry of Education teachers
46 % 92
Cooperating with joint committees that will include
classroom and PDR teachers and school staff,
Implementing safe school projects, Periodically inspecting
schools by inspection boards consisting of experts and
healthcare professionals in cooperation with the Ministry
of National Education, PGM, Ministry of Health, NGOs
and municipalities, Providing in-service training, seminars
and peer education in schools within the scope of
substance addiction in cooperation with parent-teacher
associations and municipalities.
41 % 82

According to the opinions of the stakeholders, some of the participants’ opinions within the scope of the findings regarding the emphasis on in-service training on substance use for teachers affiliated with the Ministry of National Education are as follows;

K(41) “In my opinion, cooperation with municipalities should be developed within the scope of planning in-service training on substance use for Ministry of Education teachers.”

K (12) “I think it is of great importance to implement safe school projects as soon as possible, as well as to cooperate with joint committees that will include classroom and psychological counseling and guidance teachers and school staff.”

According to the opinions of the stakeholders, within the scope of the findings regarding the emphasis on in-service training on substance use for teachers affiliated with the Ministry of National Education, according to the findings of the participants, in-service training on substance use should be planned for teachers of the Ministry of National Education and that committees on substance use should be established in schools. It can be said. According to the participants’ opinions, it can be stated that substance use will decrease if the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health inspect schools periodically. In addition, it is understood that cooperation with municipalities should be developed within the scope of planning in-service training on substance use for Ministry of Education teachers. We can say that substance use can be prevented if inspection boards consisting of experts and healthcare professionals in the field periodically inspect schools, especially in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the General Directorate of Police, the Ministry of Health, Non-Governmental Organizations and municipalities. In addition, it can be said that it is essential to provide in-service training, seminars and peer education in schools within the scope of substance addiction, in cooperation with parent-teacher associations and municipalities. According to the participants’ opinions, it can be said that cooperation with municipalities should be improved within the scope of planning in-service training on substance use for Ministry of Education teachers. According to participant opinions, we can say that it is of great importance to implement safe school projects as soon as possible, as well as to cooperate with joint committees that will include classroom and psychological counseling and guidance teachers and school staff.

Dimension III: Findings regarding the delivery of substance addiction courses in a certain systematic way in teacher training programs of universities, according to the opinions of stakeholders. The third dimension of the research was created within the scope of revealing the views of the stakeholders regarding the delivery of substance addiction courses in teacher training programs of universities in a certain systematic manner. The answers given to these questions were coded and themes were extracted, and the distributions of these themes are given in Table 3.

table 3: Findings regarding the provision of substance addiction courses in a certain systematic way in teacher training programs of universities, according to the opinions of the stakeholders
Category Themes Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
According to the
opinions of the
courses on substance
addiction should be
given in a certain
systematic way in
teacher training
programs of
Establishing appropriate committees in order to provide
courses on substance addiction in teacher training
programs of universities in a certain systematic system.
43 % 86
Continuous cooperation with the PGM of universities 47 % 94
Establishment of joint university substance addiction
committees by YÖDAK regarding the use of substance
abuse in universities and preparation of strategic plans and
action plans regarding substance use in universities.
46 % 92
In universities, especially in teacher training programs,
compulsory courses on substance addiction should be
added to teacher candidates, committees on substance
addiction should be established in universities, elective
courses on substance addiction should be offered for other
students outside of teacher training programs, student
clubs on substance addiction should be established in
universities, Making plans to provide peer education for
40 % 80
Providing the necessary support to universities by
constantly collaborating with the Universities PGM,
YÖDAK establishing joint university substance addiction
committees and preparing strategic plans and action plans
regarding substance use in universities.
43 % 86

According to the opinions of the stakeholders, some of the participants’ opinions within the scope of the dimension of giving substance addiction courses in a certain systematic way in teacher training programs of universities are as follows;

K (28) “In my opinion, I can say that there is a great need to establish appropriate committees in teacher training programs of universities in order to provide courses on substance addiction in a certain systematic system.”

K(44) “Within the scope of this issue, in my opinion, universities should constantly cooperate with the General Directorate of Police and provide the necessary support to universities, YÖDAK should establish joint universities’ substance addiction committees and work on substance abuse in universities, strategic planning and development of substance use in universities.” “I think it is very important to prepare action plans.”

According to the opinions of the stakeholders, appropriate committees should be established in order to give courses on substance addiction in teacher training programs of universities within a certain systematic system, within the scope of the results obtained according to the findings of the participants’ opinions and According to the opinions of the participants, it can be said that the continuous cooperation of universities with the General Directorate of Police is of great importance. According to the opinions of the participants, it can be said that the Higher Education Supervision and Accreditation Board should establish joint university substance addiction committees and prepare strategic plans and action plans regarding substance use in universities. In addition, it is understood from the participants’ opinions that compulsory courses on substance addiction should be added to teacher candidates in universities, especially in teacher training programs, committees on substance addiction should be established in universities, and elective courses on substance addiction should be offered for other students outside of teacher training programs. According to the opinions of the participants, it can be said that plans should be made to establish student clubs related to substance addiction, especially in universities, and to provide peer education for students in universities. It is understood that universities should cooperate with the General Directorate of Police and work should be done to provide the necessary support to universities.

Dimension IV: Findings regarding the participation and employment of substance users in social life, according to the opinions of stakeholders.

The fourth dimension of the research was created within the scope of revealing the opinions of the stakeholders regarding the participation in social life and employment of substance users. The answers given to these questions were coded and themes were extracted, and the distributions of these themes are given in Table 4.

Table 4: Findings regarding participation in social life and employment of substance users, according to stakeholders’ opinions
Category Themes Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
According to
participation in
social life and
employment of
substance users
Providing the necessary support for people who use
substances to reintegrate them into social life
45 % 90
Providing employment opportunities to rehabilitate
substance use
48 % 96
Developing state centers to get rid of substance
40 % 80
Within the scope of increasing the support of non-
governmental organizations to people who use substances,
the state and private institutions and
organizations should increase their employment
support for the rehabilitation of individuals who use
49 % 98

According to the opinions of the stakeholders, some of the participants’ opinions within the scope of the dimension regarding the participation and employment of substance users in social life are as follows;

K (22) “I can say that providing the necessary support to reintegrate substance users into social life within the scope of preventing the use of substances will be of great benefit.”

K (29) “In my opinion, state substance addiction recovery centers should be developed in order to get rid of substance addiction.”

According to the opinions of the stakeholders, within the scope of the dimension regarding the participation and employment of people who use substances in social life, it is understood from the opinions of the participants that the necessary support should be provided to integrate people who use substances into social life, within the scope of the results obtained according to the findings of the participants’ opinions. According to the opinions of the participants, it can be said that providing employment opportunities in order to ensure rehabilitation in substance use will be of great benefit in preventing substance use. In addition, it is understood from the participants’ opinions that state drug withdrawal centers should be developed in order to get rid of substance addiction. According to participant opinions, it can be said that the employment support of state and private institutions and organizations for individuals who use substances should be increased in order to rehabilitate individuals who use substances, especially within the scope of increasing the support of non-governmental organizations to individuals who use substances.

4. Conclusion and Recommendations

The findings of the research were analyzed to answer each research question, and the results of this analysis are given below, respectively.

Dimension I: According to the opinions of stakeholders, the results of the Ministry of National Education regarding increasing training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education.

The first dimension of the research was created within the scope of revealing the views of the Ministry of National Education on the results of increasing training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education, according to the opinions of the stakeholders. In this context, according to the opinions of the participants, it can be said that the Ministry of National Education should establish appropriate committees for the course curriculum in order to increase the training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education. This result overlaps and parallels the results of author [4]. In addition, it is understood from the participants’ opinions that a joint committee should be established in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of National Education. According to the opinions of the participants, it can be said that the Ministry of National Education should establish appropriate committees for the course curriculum and update the contents of the relevant subject area textbooks in order to increase the training on preventing substance use in the curriculum starting from pre-school education. These results are parallel to the results of Zorlu et al. [22]. In addition, it is understood that it is of great importance to establish a joint coordination board with the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to update the curriculum and course contents. These results coincide with the results of Erbay et al. [5].

Dimension II: According to the opinions of the stakeholders, results regarding the emphasis on in-service training on substance use for teachers affiliated with the Ministry of National Education.

The second dimension of the research was created within the scope of revealing the views of teachers affiliated with the Ministry of National Education regarding the emphasis on in-service training on substance use, according to the opinions of the stakeholders. In this context, according to the findings of the participants’ opinions, it can be said that in-service training on substance use should be planned for teachers of the Ministry of National Education and that committees on substance use should be established in schools. These results are similar to the results of Nebioğlu et al. [23]. According to the participants’ opinions, it can be stated that substance use will decrease if the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Health inspect schools periodically. In addition, it is understood that cooperation with municipalities should be developed within the scope of planning in-service training on substance use for Ministry of National Education teachers. We can say that substance use can be prevented, especially if inspection boards consisting of experts and healthcare professionals in the field inspect schools periodically, in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Police, Ministry of Health, Non-Governmental Organizations and municipalities. These results coincide with Çelik et al. [24]. In addition, it can be said that it is essential to provide in-service training, seminars and peer education in schools within the scope of substance addiction, in cooperation with parent-teacher associations and municipalities. According to the opinions of the participants, it can be said that cooperation with municipalities should be improved within the scope of planning in-service training on substance use for Ministry of National Education teachers. According to the opinions of the participants, we can express that it is of great importance to implement safe school projects as soon as possible, as well as to cooperate with joint committees that will include classroom and psychological counseling and guidance teachers and school staff. These results are parallel to the results of Erbay et al. [5].

Dimension III: According to the opinions of the stakeholders, the results of giving courses on substance addiction in teacher training programs of universities in a certain systematic way.

The third dimension of the research was created within the scope of revealing the views of the stakeholders regarding the delivery of substance addiction courses in teacher training programs of universities in a certain systematic manner. In this context, according to the opinions of the stakeholders within the scope of the results obtained, according to the opinions of the participants, appropriate committees should be established in order to give courses on substance addiction in the teacher training programs of universities in a certain systematic system and that it is of great importance for universities to constantly cooperate with the General Directorate of Police. It can be said. These results are similar to the results of Gümüş et al. [25]. According to the opinions of the participants, it can be said that the Higher Education Supervision and Accreditation Board should establish joint university substance addiction committees and prepare strategic plans and action plans regarding substance use in universities. In addition, it is understood from the participants’ opinions that compulsory courses on substance addiction should be added to teacher candidates in universities, especially in teacher training programs, committees on substance addiction should be established in universities, and elective courses on substance addiction should be offered for other students outside of teacher training programs. These results are similar to those of [3]. According to the opinions of the participants, it can be said that plans should be made to establish student clubs related to substance addiction, especially in universities, and to provide peer education for students in universities. It is understood that universities should cooperate with the General Directorate of Police and work should be done to provide the necessary support to universities. These results coincide with the results of [2].

Dimension IV: Results regarding the participation in social life and employment of people who use substances, according to the opinions of stakeholders.

The fourth dimension of the research was created within the scope of revealing the opinions of people who use substances regarding their participation in social life and employment, according to the opinions of stakeholders. In this context, according to the opinions of the stakeholders, it is understood from the participants’ opinions that the necessary support should be provided for the inclusion of substance users in social life within the scope of the results obtained according to the findings of the participants’ opinions within the scope of the dimension regarding the participation and employment of substance users in social life. These results are similar to the results of Solmaz & Okumuş [26].

According to the opinions of the participants, it can be said that providing employment opportunities in order to ensure rehabilitation in substance use will be of great benefit in preventing substance use. This result coincides with the results of Taşçı [27]. In addition, it is understood from the participants’ opinions that state drug withdrawal centers should be developed in order to get rid of substance addiction. According to participant opinions, it can be said that the employment support of state and private institutions and organizations for individuals who use substances should be increased in order to rehabilitate individuals who use substances, especially within the scope of increasing the support of non-governmental organizations to individuals who use substances. These results are parallel to the results of Taylan and Genç [28].


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Zehra Altinay, Betul Yikici, Gokmen Dagli. Evaluation Of The Cooperations Of Human Resources In The Fight Against Drug Abuse In Secondary Education Schools According To Stakeholders’ Opinions[J], Archives Des Sciences, Volume 74 , Issue 4, 2024. -. DOI: