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Ghani Mersenne Temperature Indices For Silicate Network and Silicate Chain Network

Muhammad Usman Ghan, Faisal Sultan, Shahbaz Ali, Moahmmad Reza Farahani, Murat Cancan, Mehdi Alaeiyan


One of chemistry’s most fundamental ideas is the chemical bond. It explains why chemical reactions take place or why atoms are drawn to one another. Several features of chemical compounds in a molecular structure can be identified using the mathematical language offered by several types of topological indices. In actuality, a topological index links the molecular structure of chemical compounds to some of its physical characteristics, such as boiling point and stability energy. Such an index specifies the topology of the structure and is an invariant understructure that maintains mappings. It is produced by transforming a chemical network into a numerical value related to a molecular graph. The Ghani Mersenne temperature molecular descriptors are suggested in this article by fusing the central ideas of the Mersenne number of silicate and silicate chain network. We compute the first and second temperature, hyper temperature indices, the sum connectivity Ghani Mersenne temperature index, the product connectivity Ghani Mersenne temperature index, the reciprocal product connectivity Ghani Mersenne temperature index and the F Ghani Mersenne temperature index by using the new temperature T(Gm)u_i = \frac{2^{d_{u_i}-1}}{|V_G|-2^{d_{u_i}-1}} of temperature of a molecular graph Silicate network and Silicate chain network.

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. Ghani Mersenne Temperature Indices For Silicate Network and Silicate Chain Network. Archives Des Sciences, In Press: . DOI: .