Solutions to Improve Activeness of Students in Learning Process of Students Majoring in Physical Education at Hong Duc University in Vietnam Through Regular Testing and Assessment of Learning Outcomes

Dr. Dong Huong Lan1
1Thanh Hoa University of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Thanh H\’oa, Vietnam.
Dr. Dong Huong Lan\(^{1,*}\)
\(^{1}\)Thanh Hoa University of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Thanh H\’oa, Vietnam. Corresponding authors: Dr. Dong Huong Lan (e-mail: donghuonglan@dvtdt.edu.vn).


Realize the role of regular testing and assessment in the training process. Create “pressure” intentionally and ensure scientific aspact so that students can improve their sense of responsibility in learning, form the habit and need to regularly self-study with high quality and efficiency throughout the education process, contributing to improving the effectiveness of educating students majoring in physical education at Hong Duc University – Vietnam [8]. Testing and assessment aim to improve the effectiveness of lecturers’ teaching by providing lecturers with data that can diagnose skill deficiencies, measure mastery of selected intended learning objectives, and appropriate teaching and learning methods [7].

Copyright © 2024  Dong Huong Lan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

1. Introduction

Improve activeness the learning process of students is a fundamental change in the organization of education activities to truly put students in the position of the subject of learning activities, both creating conditions and requiring students to proactively comprehend and seek knowledge.

Decision No. 1076/QD-TTg dated June 17, 2016 of the Prime Minister approving the overall project for education and physical development in the period 2016 – 2020, oriented to 2025 clearly states: Continue to innovate Teaching methods and assessment of learning and teaching results in the direction of promoting learners’ activeness, self-discipline, initiative, creativity and self-learning capacity [1].

Resolution No. 44/NQ-CP of the Government continues to direct: Innovating forms and methods of testing and assessing educational results in the direction of assessing learners’ capacity; Combine process assessment with end-of-semester assessment at the end of the school year following the model of countries with advanced education [2].

Research by author Hai et al. [3], Bao et al. [4], Phuong et al. [5], Proven the practice of educational reform in Vietnam: All innovation activities in curriculum, teaching methods, and training organization are carried out simultaneously with innovation in testing and assessment. Because the mechanism, content and assessment requirements are not only the basic elements that create a specific training method but also the driving force to ensure the progress of that education method.

Circular 23/2014 dated July 18, 2014 promulgating regulations on high-quality education at university level [6]. Circular 04/2016/TT-BGDDT, dated March 13, 2016 promulgating regulations on standards for evaluating the quality of training programs at different levels of higher education clearly stated: [7].

Testing and assessment not only serve the purpose of identifying the current situation, orienting and adjusting student activities, but is also a condition for forming in learners a high sense of responsibility and a sense of striving to improve in learning [8].

The best assessment system should have an absolute focus on the progress of both lecturers and learners:

  • As progress allows instructors to set personalized learning goals appropriate for all learners at the beginning of their learning process.

  • Lecturers can assess individual learners and evaluate the impact of different teaching and learning methods.

  • The impact of lecturers on student learning is not the same (due to objective factors beyond the control of lecturers).

  • And, most importantly, the focus on progress allows learners at all levels to demonstrate the difference between input and output to measure academic achievement throughout the school year. In addition, focus on learner progress will encourage and recognize hard work as learners demonstrate effort on their personal learning journey.

2. Methodology

The research process used the following methods: Document analysis and synthesis method, pedagogical investigation method, expert method, pedagogical experimental method and statistical mathematical method [8].

A. Findings and Discussion

  1. Current status of organization and management of testing and assessment under the credit system

    The current status of organization and management of testing and assessment according to credit system for students at Hong Duc University – Vietnam is presented in Table 1.

    Table 1: Current status of organization and management of testing and assessment according to credit system for students at Hong Duc University – Vietnam
    S/N Type of testing
    Delegation of the
    organization and
    management of
    testing and
    Content of organization and
    management of testing and
    1 Regular Lecturers directly
    teaching the subject
    – Determine the time; form
    and content of assessment
    – Conduct testing and assessment
    – Manage and summarize
    testing and assessment
    – Submit grades to the faculty
    before the end of the subject
    2 Mid-semester Lecturers directly
    teaching the subject
    – The assessment time is set in the
    middle of the semester (week 8/15).
    – Determine the form of testing and assessment
    – Set questions and answers
    – Conduct testing and assessment

    – Grade management

    – Submit grades to the faculty after week 9/15
    3 End of subject The school’s Testing
    and Quality Assurance
    Center organizes the
    exam schedule based
    on the faculty
    – Develop a testing and assessment plan –

    Determine the testing and assessment schedule
    – Choose the form of testing and assessment

    – Choose the lecturer to set

    the questions and answers
    – Organize testing and assessment

    – Summary of all types of grades

    – Manage testing and assessment results

    From the investigation results presented in Table 1, the following observations can be made:

    • Lecturers are given great authority to organize regular tests, mid-semester tests and set final assessment questions for the subjects they directly teach; Proactively undertake all key stages of assessment activities and manage students’ regular assessment grades throughout the semester [8].

    • For regular and mid-semester assessments, the Faculty Board lacks an appropriate management and supervision mechanism in terms of schedule, content and organizational way

    The above-mentioned situation of organization and management gives rise to limitations in examinations, which are beyond the control of the Faculty Board such as:

    • Lecturers have too much power in testing and assessment.

    • There might be a lack of objectivity in testing and assessment.

    • Lecturers abuse their power to control students’ final grades.

    • It is easy to create inertia in lecturers’ innovation activities.

    • Students expect concessions from lecturers, leading to a lack of activeness and initiative in learning.

    • It is difficult for faculty leaders to accurately grasp student learning outcomes.

  2. Assessment of the activeness of students majoring in physical education The research process conducted a survey of opinions and assessments of 35 lecturers who directly teach and self-assessment of 130 students majoring in physical education at Hong Duc University – Vietnam on the activeness of students in study. The survey results are presented in Tables 2 and 3 [3, 8].

    Table 2: Self-assessment of activeness of students majoring in physical education (n = 130)
    S/N Self-assessment content Assessment level
    Very good Good Average Limitations
    mi % mi % mi % mi %
    1 Always feel the pressure to self-study regularly
    to meet professional requirements in
    credit-based education
    13 10.00 32 24.60 27 20.80 58 44.60
    2 Always strive to achieve better study results

    after each semester, after each school year
    and have tried to achieve success
    1 0.80 11 8.50 15 11.50 103 79.20
    3 Always proactively plan to self-study for

    each subject and follow the proposed plan
    6 4.60 14 10.80 25 19.20 85 65.40
    4 Regularly pay attention to gathering knowledge

    and collecting documents to serve the study of subjects
    6 4.60 12 9.20 24 18.50 88 67.70
    5 Always consciously seek and accumulate
    professional knowledge in self-study
    activities to serve future professional activities.
    6 4.60 14 10.80 22 16.90 88 67.70
    6 Always consciously wait for the upcoming
    class time with the desire to study well in
    all subjects
    4 3.10 7 5.40 27 20.80 92 70.70
    7 Always study, complete tasks and homework
    before each new class at all times and in all

    4 3.10 10 7.70 17 13.10 99 76.10
    8 Regular testing and assessment is really a

    pressure that stimulates activeness in
    1 0.80 11 8.50 15 11.50 103 79.20
    Table 3: Assessment of lecturers and education administrators on the activeness of students majoring in physical education (n = 35)
    S/N Assessment content Assessment level
    Very good Good Average Limitations
    mi % mi % mi % mi %
    1 Students always try to study and achieve better results each time

    semester, after each school year
    0 0.00 4 11.40 10 28.60 21 60.00
    2 Regularly pay attention to gathering knowledge and collecting
    documents to serve the study of subjects
    0 0.00 0 0.00 6 17.10 29 82.90
    3 Always consciously seek and accumulate professional knowledge
    in self-study activities to serve future professional activities.
    0 0.00 0 0.00 5 14.30 30 85.70
    4 Always study, complete tasks and homework before each
    new class at all times and in all subjects
    0 0.00 0 0.00 8 22.90 27 77.10
    5 Always attend regular classes with great effort
    Invest and prepare carefully
    0 0.00 6 17.10 17 48.60 12 34.30
    6 Regular assessment really has a positive impact
    on the learning process for students
    0 0.00 0 0.00 5 14.30 30 85.70

    Analysis of assessment results shows that: The majority of students do not have a highly responsible attitude towards their own learning tasks, lacking regular efforts in all circumstances to achieve the best results during the education process at school, not really assured about career future. Regular testing and assessment during the training process has not been effective in promoting students’ learning activities.

  3. The solution to improve activeness ò the student learning process through regular testing and assessment

    Goal of the Solution

    Realize the role of regular testing and assessment in training practice, thereby creating a positive change in student learning activities.

    Form a form of regular motivation to interact and motivate students to study hard throughout the training process, contributing to improving the effectiveness of training students in physical education at Hong Duc University – Vietnam [8,9].

    Orient students’ learning activities, promptly detect and correct deviations in learning and in acquiring knowledge that students have experienced. Thereby enhance the value and effectiveness of activeness in learning, providing students with timely encouragement for their own efforts.

    Create “pressure” intentionally and ensure scientific aspect so that students can improve their sense of responsibility in learning, form the habit and need to regularly self-study, and self-study effectively and with high quality.

    Encourage students to build reasonable study plans, know how to use and pay attention to the most effective use of time in the most useful way for studying.

    Content of the Solution

    Standardize the knowledge and skills students gain after each hour of class, after each stage of learning, helping students realize what they must do to meet the requirements of the lecturer and the training program.

    Regular testing and assessment activities aim to show students how their learning outcomes are compared to the average level of the entire class, and what they need to continue to do to reach their final goal.

    Associate learning efforts with the true value of that effort, creating in students an honest and quality working attitude, proactively completing learning tasks with their own efforts.

    Equip students with knowledge and self-assessment skills, the need for group coordination in high-performance learning, develop the ability to observe, detect and evaluate the advantages and limitations of classmates to adjust their own activities.

    Coordinate and synchronize with other solutions to gradually approach the requirements of the credit system in training students in the physical education sector.

    Organization of Solution Implementation

    Really consider regular testing and assessment as an organic content of every class hour for all subjects in the physical education student education program.

    Standardize the criteria and scoring scale for the knowledge and skills that students need to achieve in the mid-term examination content of all subjects to serve as a basis for building regular content and assessment criteria.

    For each class hour, the lecturer continues to check and evaluate the level of completion of homework tasks, the level of absorption of new class content and assign the next homework task; Set out requirements for knowledge and skills that need to be achieved before the new class.

    Use regular test scores according to the weighting regulations of the credit system to evaluate student learning outcomes.

    Each lecturer considers regular assessment as a motivator for students to self-study; Consider regular inspection and evaluation to ensure seriousness and objectivity as a professional obligation and responsibility.

    The dean board and department heads strengthen the management of discipline and quality of regular testing and assessment activities.

  4. Experiment and Evaluation of Solution Effectiveness

    Experimental Content

    Innovate regular testing and assessment activities in the direction of active student learning activities. Innovation activities are implemented through the following activities:

    • Specify requirements and implement regular assessment for students in each class hour.

    • Specify homework tasks and products must be achieved through students’ self-study after each class hour.

    Experimental Organization

    Implement regular testing and evaluation activities through the practice of training students majoring in physical education at Hong Duc University – Vietnam for teaching activities of 2 new subjects: Program development and testing and assessment in physical education.; Creative experience activities for students majoring in physical education, course 19 (50 students) in the 2016 – 2017 school year.

    Criteria for Evaluating the Results of Experimental Content

    • Activeness in student learning.

    • Student learning outcomes.

    Experimental Results

    The effectiveness of experimental content on students’ activeness in learning. Evaluating the effectiveness of experimental content on student activeness is conducted through self-assessment surveys of students and assessments of lecturers – subjects directly participating in the experimental process. Summary of survey results are presented in Tables 4 and 5 [7, 9].

    Table 4: Students’ self-assessment on the effectiveness of regular testing and assessment for activeness in learning (n = 50)
    S/N Content of assessment Assessment level
    Often Relatively often Not often Never
    mi % mi % mi % mi %
    1 Actively participate in subject learning
    activities during regular class hours
    40 80.00 8 16.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    2 Take advantage of all opportunities and
    conditions to study and practice to
    improve learning outcomes
    37 74.00 11 22.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    3 Always demonstrate one’s active role

    in learning activities for the subject
    39 78.00 9 18.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    4 Be proactive in searching and exploiting

    knowledge sources to serve learning activities
    36 72.00 12 24.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    5 Pay close attention during class and
    discuss lecture content
    38 76.00 5 10.00 7 14.00 0 0.00
    6 Make an effort to self-study to

    complete the requirements of
    classes and subjects
    41 82.00 7 14.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    7 Make every effort to complete
    assignments and take home
    requirements assigned by the
    41 82.00 7 14.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    8 Prioritize your time for self-study
    and practice to achieve high
    outcomes in the subject
    39 72.00 8 16.00 3 6.00 0 0.00
    9 Pay attention to completing the

    assessment criteria set by the lecturer
    after each class hour
    43 86.00 6 12.00 1 2.00 0 0.00
    10 Pay attention to the progress of the
    subject to build a reasonable study
    42 84.00 6 12.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    11 Make an effort to practice physical
    fitness to meet movement requirements
    and acquire subject techniques
    42 84.00 6 12.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    12 Always feel pressured about the subject’s
    regular testing and assessment
    43 86.00 5 10.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    13 Regular comments and assessments from
    lecturers have promoted the learning
    and self-study process
    42 84.00 6 12.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    14 Pay attention to self-assess one’s learning
    ability before subject requirements
    42 84.00 6 12.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    15 Pay attention to innovating self-study
    methods and learning activities to improve
    the efficiency and effectiveness of the
    learning process
    43 86.00 5 10.00 2 4.00 0 0.00
    Table 5: Lecturers’ assessment of students’ learning activeness level under the impact of regular testing and assessment activities (n = 32)
    S/N Content of assessment Assessment level
    Often Relatively often Not often Never
    mi % mi % mi % mi %
    1 Actively participate in subject learning
    activities during regular class hours
    25 78.10 5 15.60 2 6.30 0 0.00
    2 Take advantage of all opportunities and
    conditions to study and practice to improve
    learning outcomes
    18 56.20 12 37.50 2 6.30 0 0.00
    3 Always demonstrate one’s active role in
    learning activities for the subject
    19 59.40 9 28.10 4 12.50 0 0.00
    4 Be proactive in searching and exploiting
    knowledge sources to serve learning
    20 62.50 10 31.20 2 6.30 0 0.00
    5 Pay close attention during class and discuss
    lecture content
    24 75.00 6 18.70 2 6.30 0 0.00
    6 Make an effort to self-study to complete the
    requirements of classes and subjects
    24 75.00 7 21.80 1 3.20 0 0.00
    7 Make every effort to complete assignments
    and take home requirements assigned by the
    24 75.00 6 18.70 2 6.30 0 0.00
    8 Prioritize one’s time for self-study and
    practice to achieve high outcomes in the
    23 71.90 7 21.80 2 6.30 0 0.00
    9 Pay attention to completing the assessment
    criteria set by the lecturer after each class hour
    24 75.00 7 21.80 2 6.30 0 0.00
    10 Pay attention to the progress of the subject to
    build a reasonable study plan
    23 71.90 8 25.00 1 3.20 0 0.00
    11 Make an effort to practice physical fitness to
    meet movement requirements and acquire
    subject techniques
    24 75.00 7 21.80 1 3.20 0 0.00
    12 Always feel pressured about the subject’s
    regular testing and assessment requirements
    23 71.90 7 21.80 2 6.30 0 0.00
    13 Regular comments and assessments from
    lecturers have promoted the learning and
    self-study process
    23 71.90 7 21.80 2 6.30 0 0.00
    14 Pay attention to self-assess one’s learning ability
    before subject requirements
    24 75.00 7 21.80 1 3.20 0 0.00
    15 Pay attention to innovating self-study methods
    and learning activities to improve the efficiency
    and effectiveness of the learning process
    25 78.10 5 15.60 2 6.30 0 0.00

    From the statistical results on the expression of student activeness through experiments on solutions to maintaining regular testing and assessment activities presented in Tables 4 and 5, there are some comments as follows: [5, 8].

    • Carrying out regular testing and assessment throughout the teaching process, combined with specifying homework tasks after each class, has really created motivation to actively promote students’ learning activities during class hours and also in self-study activities.

    • Maintain regular testing and assessment activities through every hour of class, and become a guide for students throughout the learning process, helping students know what they need to do and how to do it. Complete learning tasks according to the set training schedule.

    • Have an impact on developing the need for self-study and active learning habits in all conditions; Develop necessary skills for learning activities.

    • Motivate students to actively innovate methods and promote their active role in learning to improve learning efficiency, save effort and investment in their own learning activities.

    • The effectiveness of experimental content on student learning outcomes. Evaluate the effectiveness of experimental content on student learning outcomes through subjects in the theoretical block.

    Statistics on the learning outcomes of students in the experimental group for two subjects “Program development and assessment in physical education” and “Creative experiential activities in physical education” of 19 (25 students) in the 2016 – 2017 school year are presented in Table 6 [10].

    Analyzing the learning results of students during the experimental process of maintaining regular assessment and testing presented in Table 6 shows that:

    Table 6: Statistics of students’ learning outcomes after the experiment (n = 50)
    S/N Subject Number of students achieving various grades
    Very Good grade (9-10) Good grade (7-8) Average grade (5-6) Grade below average (Less than 5)
    mi % mi % mi % mi %
    1 Program development and
    assessment in physical education
    16 32.00 31 62.00 0 0.00 3 6.00
    2 Creative experiential
    activities in physical
    25 50.00 22 44.00 0 0.00 3 6.00

    The majority of students with good and very good grade is a positive result in training activities. The proportion of very good scores reflects the difference compared to the previous training process. Under the impact of regular testing and assessment, there have been significant changes in students’ activeness in learning.

    To evaluate the effectiveness of the experimental content on the learning outcomes of students in the experimental group, the thesis compared the learning outcomes of two subjects named “Program development and assessment in physical education.” and “Creative experiential activities in physical education”. They are two subjects chosen to experiment with the learning outcomes of school physical education methods – a subject that is emphasized in the physical education, with training duration equivalent to the two subjects selected for the experiment) of the 19th course students at the time before the experiment in the adjacent semester. The comparison results are presented in Table 7.

    Table 7: Compare the learning outcomes of students of 18th course in theory subjects before and after the experiment (n = 50)
    S/N Comparative content Learning outcomes of subjects
    After the
    experiment (n = 50)
    Before the
    experiment (n = 50)
    xd xd T P
    xA ± x xB ± x
    1 -Subject: Program development and assessment
    in physical education (After the experiment)
    -Subject: Theory and methods of school
    physical education (Before experiment)
    8.86± 0.40 4.94± 2.39 3.07 3.26 5.77 0.01
    2 -Subject: Creative experiential activities in
    physical education (After the experiment)
    -Subject: Theory and methods of school
    physical education (Before THE experiment)
    8.32 ± 0.72 4.94 ± 2.39 2.70 3.00 6.27 0.01

    Analysis of student learning outcomes is presented in Table 7 with the following comments: – The difference is very significant at the probability threshold P < 0.01 in the academic achievement that students have achieved in studying two subjects of experimental content. Especially for good and excellent scores [8].

    – The learning outcomes reflect the students’ outstanding efforts in learning, whose motivation is multiplied through the direct impact of self-study ability and activeness created by the solutions.

3. Conclusion

The teaching and learning activities of lecturers and students, the organizational structure of class hours are slow to innovate compared to the requirements of new training methods, and have not been implemented in the direction of actively promoting students’ learning activities [3].

The experimental process has proven: Regular testing and assessment in teaching activities not only has the effect of developing students’ activeness in learning but is also an effective process of implementing teaching and learning functions for students [8].


  1. Prime Minister (2016), Decision No. 1076/QD-TTg dated June 17, 2016 of the Prime Minister approving the overall project to develop physical education and school sports in the period 2016-2020, orientation to 2025.
  2. Prime Minister (2014), Decision No. 44/NQ-CP dated June 9, 2014. Resolution promulgating the Government’s Action Program to implement Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated November 4, 2013 the eighth conference of the Central Executive Committee, 11th term, on fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training, meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization in the context of a socialist-oriented market economy and international integration.
  3. Le Truong Son Chan Hai (2012),”Innovating the physical education program for students at the North Central Pedagogical University towards fostering professional skills in organizing school sports activities”, Doctoral thesis in education, Institute of Sports Science Hanoi.
  4. Dinh Quang Bao (2014), “Solutions to innovate the university-level teacher training program according to the credit system”. Scientific research project at ministerial level, MS B2011-17-CT03.
  5. Tran Vu Phuong (2016), “Application of innovative program to create physical education major at college level at Tuyen Quang College”, Doctoral thesis in educational science, Bac Ninh University of Sports and Sports.
  6. Ministry of Education and Training (2014), Circular 23/2014 dated July 18, 2014 promulgating regulations on high quality training at university level.
  7. Ministry of Education and Training (2015), Circular 04/2016/TT-BGDDT, dated March 13, 2016 promulgating regulations on standards for evaluating the quality of training programs at all levels of higher education.
  8. Dong Huong Lan (2018), Research on content and standards for assessing learning outcomes towards capacity development for students majoring in Physical Education at Hong Duc University”, Grassroots level project, University studied in Hong Duc.
  9. Nguyen Duc Van (2008), Statistical methods in physical training and sports, Sports Publishing House, Hanoi.
  10. Ministry of Education and Training (2008), Decision No. 53/2008/QD-BGDDT dated September 18, 2008 of the Minister of Education and Training regulating the assessment and classification of students’ physical strength.
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Dr. Dong Huong Lan. Solutions to Improve Activeness of Students in Learning Process of Students Majoring in Physical Education at Hong Duc University in Vietnam Through Regular Testing and Assessment of Learning Outcomes[J], Archives Des Sciences, Volume 74 , Issue 1, 2024. 57-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.62227/as/74107.