Understanding the Omega Angle: Implications for Influenza Virus Structure and Function

C. Thurigha1, S. Arul Mugilan1
1PG Research Department of Physics, Kamarajar Government Arts College, Surandai – 627859, Tamil Nadu (India), Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli-627012 (India)


A comprehension of the structure and function of biologic molecules involves conformational analysis. Conformational alterations are especially important in the influenza virus since they regulate the virus’s ability to proliferate and infect host cell proteins are made up mostly of torsional angles that determine their overall shape and side chains. New information about these structures and functions has been opened up by recent technological breakthroughs. The major uses of the omega angle are in conformational analysis and protein structure studies. The omega angle is still an important parameter when one studies the structures of different proteins and peptides. The study of the protein content of influenza viruses is essential; for vaccine and antiviral drug development. This article reviews the importance of conformational analysis and the use of the omega angle in predicting the behavior of the influenza virus that can be applied in drug-designing.

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C. Thurigha, S. Arul Mugilan. Understanding the Omega Angle: Implications for Influenza Virus Structure and Function[J], Archives Des Sciences, Volume 75 , Issue 1, 2025. 8-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.62227/as/75102.